Thursday, December 31, 2015

Holiday Travels

Cyrus handled the long two and three hours drives to visit various sets of grandparents and aunts and cousins like a champ! Meaning, he very strategically slept through most of them! And he seemed to love the visiting itself. In new places, he seemed more energetic and active than we've seen him be in weeks! With lots of flailing, more cooing, and just being more responsive in general! I very much think that the new places and faces were incredibly helpful and stimulating and maybe serves as motivation for us to take him out more to visit others rather than having others come to see us all the time (though that's admittedly easier).
It was also super useful to watch some moms who have gotten to experience playing with actually responsive infants to get new ideas for how to play with him! He didn't sleep quite as well on the trip, but who does when you can't sleep in your own bed.
And once he came home he had one of the most successful visual therapy sessions yet! He was holding his head up, playing with toys, and adjusting to changes in position well. And after his therapist left I realized that he does way better in the supported sit when I prop him up in the chair as he didn't even try to arch his head back for a good 5-7 minutes or so.
Yesterday, was a little harder. Cyrus had six seizures total, two of which were stronger than the ones we've been seeing lately that left him somewhat out of it for the rest of the day. And three happened in the evening relatively close together, requiring a dose of emergency medicine. Though giving it to him made me realize that I couldn't remember the last time we had to do so! I had to go back and check, and it's apparently been almost four weeks!!! 
Today, he's been really sleepy - and hasn't really been awake for more than two hours in a row all day, but he's waking up for all the meals, and is much more aware and responsive when he is awake than he was yesterday.
The last two days have been rough, but I wonder if they would've been considered that without the preceding absolute fantastic week prior!

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