Friday, September 16, 2016

Strength Training

True confession: I hate exercising! I hate it!! I enjoy physical activities like playing a game, hiking, or biking. But exercise for the sake of exercise is absolutely dreadful. Cyrus seems to be trying to help me out though. His favorite thing right now is to be lifted up and down or even just rocked back and forth like a pendulum. And strangely enough, I have recently discovered he likes it better when you do this slowly rather than fast. Which actually makes it harder to do, in terms of strength! And while I hate weight lifting just as much as any other exercise, there's something far more rewarding about it when you get smiles and giggles out of it.

And over the last few weeks the little guy has decided that mom's strength training routine needed to be pushed up a notch because after staying at a consistent 22 lbs for the last 2- 3 months, he's suddenly decided to eat us out of house and home (seriously, this tiny child is now eating more calories a day than I do) and put on two pounds in under a week!! Let me tell you, my arms have been feeling it! You wouldn't think that two pounds would make that big a difference!

But anyway, I've been wondering about what this means in the long term. Wondering about how other families cope once their child outstrips them in size and weight. What happens when Cyrus weighs as much as I do, but doesn't move independently?

When pondering such questions, I tried to do what I always do! Research! Only, I don't really know what to call it, and basically found two types of results:
1) How to help your overweight child lose weight.
2) And too many a rant about how the US has absolutely no services or resources for special need adults and their parents often take care of them until they are no longer able to always worrying about what will happen to their children when they are no longer around.

And while both are unfortunate situations, neither is really applicable to my current mental musings.

A friend of Kyle's has a friend with an immobile child - and her comment was that his dad was just really strong.

I don't know that I really take comfort in that answer. Kyle is really strong and actually likes exercise. (He's weird like that). Because I would like to continue to take part in getting Cyrus around. I certainly don't want to have to put all of that on my husband.

I will remain open, keep doing more research, and talking to more people. Maybe even reluctantly do some exercise and learn techniques for moving people around that don't want to be moved.

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