Tuesday, May 17, 2016

"First Words"

At some point in my life I asked my mom what my first word was. She told me that I was at a doctor's appointment. The doctor walked into the room and according to the story, I smiled at her brightly and said, "Hi!" clear as day. My mom was shocked!

Of course that might have been because I was a scant two months old, and had never made any kind of coherent sound ever! I probably also had absolutely no idea what I was saying. It was just a beautiful and happy accident! 

And she has no other stories. That was the most memorable moment for her. 

At three months old, Cyrus stumbled onto some accidental words. He liked hard g's and would fall into "gook" and "guru" in-between the "agoo"s and "aroo"s and we would joke that he was a racist baby (and we'd have to train him out of that) or a spiritual baby (and hopefully he could impart his wisdom to us!).

Since September, Cyrus seems to have lost his consonants and really only makes vowel sounds. But today, we've had some happy accidents. He apparently said "ow!" when Daddy was putting him in the chair, which is ironic because he hates the chair! Daddy was not a fan...

And while I held him he kept spouting off "Oh? Oh? Oh?" It sounded just so much like a question each time. And it was just the coolest moment because he was almost silent before I picked him up, but when I held him he looked at me and just kept talking! And when I had to put him back down he got pretty quiet again. But then ten minutes later, I picked him up again and he jumped straight to an "Ooh," followed by a sharp and happy, "Oh!" 

Seemed very deliberate and I've never really noticed him doing this before. It was also made all the more adorable as the little guy seems to have a sore throat and sounds a bit hoarse. I guess even non verbal children can lose their voice. But yay for linguistic and/or social development regardless! I'll take whatever I can get! 

Now he's trying to bury himself in the floor blanket. He's been doing this all week! I believe his master plan is to turn it into a swimming pool with all this excess drooling. 

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